Tribhuvan University 
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Sixth Semester/ Science
Full Marks: 60 
Computer Science and Information Technology
Pass Marks: 24 
(CSC- 356 – Fundamentals of E-commerce)
Time: 3 hours.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.
Section A[3x10=30]

1.) How does e-commerce differ from e-business? Discuss the e-commerce success factors.

2.) How security in e-commerce systems can be ensured? What mechanisms can be used to enforce the security? What possible vulnerabilities may lead to compromise in client-server security?

3.) How layers of EDI ensure transmission of message and data between the trading partners in e-commerce transactions? Also mention the tangible benefits of EDI.

Section A[6x5=30]

4.) Compare and contrast pure Vs. Partial e-commerce. Support your answer with proper examples.

5.) Illustrate and explain the components of the information super highway.

6.) Describe the functionality of digital wallet. Write the requirements of e-payments.

7.) Explain the merchantile model from the consumer’s perspective.

8.) How digital documents enhance businesss data processing. Differentiate physical data warehouse and the logical.

9.) What services or functionalities does the e-commerce application architecture consist of ? Discuss briefly.


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