Tribhuvan University 
Institute Of Science and Technology 
2068 (II) 

Bachelor Level /Third Year/Six Semester/Science
Full Mark: 60 
Computer Science and Information Technology–(CSc.356)
Pass Mark: 24 
(Foundation of E-Commerce)
Time: 3hours. 

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as for as possible. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.
Section A(3×10=30)

1. Explain the e-commerce framework and its application.

2. What is electronic data interchange? Explain the building blocks of an EDI system.

3. Explain the digital token based electronic payment system and its types.

Section B(6×5=30)

4. Explain B2B and its benefits.

5. What are the elements of e-commerce application? Explain.

6. Explain the client network security.

7. Explain the e-commerce security tools.

8. Mention the types of Digital documents and explain in brief.

9. Write short notes on (nay two):
a. Properties of e-cash.
b. Digital/Electronics wallets
c. Data warehouses


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