Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Computer Science and Information Technology
Course Title: Real Time System
Model Question Paper
CSc. 354                                                                                                   Time : 3 Hours
                                                                                                                   Full Marks : 80
                                                                                                                   Pass Marks : 32

Group A
Attempt any Two questions                                                                     (2*12=24)

1. What do you understand by Priority driven algorithms? State and prove the optimal Earliest Deadline First (EDF) Theorem. :

2. What do you understand by slack stealing in dead line driven systems? Explain the operation of a slack stealer with a suitable example.

3. What is multi processor priority ceiling protocol? Describe it with the help of suitable diagrams.

Group B
Attempt any Eight Questions                                                                                 (8*7=56)

1. Define wormhole networks used for communication in multicomputer systems. Describe routing and transmission mechanism in a wormhole networks. :

2. Describe the terms tracking and gating used in a radar signal processing system.

3. Differentiate between hard real time systems and soft real time systems. Give three examples of each.

4. Define temporal parameter of real time workload? Explain different types of temporal parameters of a job.

5. How do the system handle frame overruns in a clock-driven scheduling? Explain.

6. What do you understand by ‘Busy Intervals’ in fixed priority tasks with arbitrary response times ? Explain.

7. What are the objectives and levels of two level scheme for integrated scheduling?

8. Explain ‘Priority Inversion’ caused by resource contention, with suitable example.

9. Describe a real-time communication model with the help of suitable diagram.

10. Write short notes on :
A. Identical versus heterogeneous processors
B. Fixed priority versus dynamic priority algorithms

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