Course Title: Society and Ethics in Information Technology

Course no: CSC-357                                                                                                   Full Marks: 80+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                                                             Pass Marks: 32+8

Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis: General introduction to society, ethics and profession and general understanding of professional environment.
Goal:   This course provides general understandings of the social and ethical issues related with the practice of a profession taking special reference of IT profession.

Unit 1. Society and Technology                                                                                8 Hrs.
Meaning of society and its characteristics, Theories of social change – Socio-cultural evolution, functional and conflict theory, Concept of technology and technological change, General impact of technology on society, Impact of computer on society, Application, security, crimes and ethical issues related with IT

Unit 2. Profession and Ethics                                                                                    10 Hrs.
Meaning and characteristics of a profession, Define ethics and distinguish between moral and non-moral action, Discussion on moral dilemma, Discuss ethical theories – Utilitarianism, universalism, distributive justice and personal liberty, Introduction to professional society – its registration procedure, code of ethics applicable to IT profession and disciplinary action

Unit 3. Law, Policy and Institutions                                                                               15 Hrs.
Sources of law, Overview of law/policies/institutions affecting practice of IT profession, Types of business firms and their characteristics – private, partnership and company, Introduction multinational companies and joint ventures, Define contract, Essentials of a valid contract, Void and voidable contract, Introduction to tort and negligence, Introduction to Labor Act and Trade Union Act, Introduction to Nepalese cyber law and IT policy taking general reference to other countries – US, England, Japan, India and China

Unit 4. Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights                                                             2 Hrs.
Copy rights, patent, trademarks, industrial design

Unit 5  Case Studies/Group Discussions and Seminars                                                     10 Hrs.
In each unit, related cases will be discussed and group discussions will be held in the class as well as students will make presentations covering wide areas of society, ethics and profession.


    Chitrakar, Roshan and shrestha, Deepanjal (Compilation), A Manual of Social and Professional
    Issues in Information Technology, PAI, Kathmandu, 2005
    Johnson, D. G., Computer Ethics, Pearson Education Asia, 2001 ISBN: 81-7808-306-X
    Laudon, Kenneth C. and Laudon Jane P., Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1999 ISBN: 81-203-1282-1
    Kanter, Jerome, Managing with Information, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998 ISBN: 81-203-1012-8
    Patnaik, Srikanta, First Text Book on Information Technology, Dhanpat Rai & Co., New Delhi, 2001
    Govindarajan, M., Natarajan, S., and Senthilkumar, V. S., Engineering Ethics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004 ISBN: 81-203-2578-8

Assignments:  Assignments includes preparation for cases, group discussions and presentations in the class.


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