Geographic Information System
B.Sc. CSIT 8th Semester
Model Questions
Attempt Any Six Questions.

1.       Explain the importance and applications of GIS. What will be your sound role in GIS Development for Nepal?                                                                                                                                                  [5+5]

2.       What is your definition about Geographic phenomena? Explain the phenomena types relating with boundaries.                                                                                                                                                        [2+8]

3.       Differentiate between vector and raster data structure. How do you implement irregular tessellation to form region quad tree. Explain with example.                                                                       [4+6]

4.       How do you capture data for GIS? Briefly describe the operation of GPS system.       [5+5]

5.       What is spatial overlay operator? Explain neighborhood functions that are being implemented in GIS software for analysis.                                                                                                                       [4+6]

6.       Explain cartographic communication process with its diagram.  What are the components that make a map output attractive?                                                                                                                  [6+4]

7.       Explain how does a clearinghouse works? What problems do you face during the spatial data sharing?                                                                                                                                                   [5+5]

8.       Write notes on (any two)                                                                                                                     [5+5]
aa.)      ITRS/ITRF for Geo-Conferencing
bb.)      Spatial data quality
cc.)       GIS in Nepal Prospects and Challenges
dd.)      Buffer Zone Generation


