Few days ago, we got a message in our facebook page from a freshman year BSc CSIT student saying "what is this git thing ? is it useful to us ?....." and we thought of doing an article on this.

Suppose you're doing a project and you're almost about to finish it. And then your laptop gets stolen or it gets broken and you can't recover your project code. Now, that's a catastrophe. All your toil and hard labour goes in vain. Literally you're null now, you'll have to start all over again.

Suppose you're doing a project and the client or people keep on asking you about your project's progress. Or you are in a such a project where you have to submit your code to certain authority in each milestone. So, that's a tedious job, doing things over and over in each milestone or certain step.

Suppose you're in a  long-term creative-type of project. After you pass certain step, you come up with new and efficient ideas of code that you could have implemented in the latter step. Then, you're gonna have to rewrite the whole code from the beginning, each time, actually many times. And that's tedious as well.

Suppose you're doing a collaborative project with involvement of lot of people. And it is totally impractical to send the zipped files to each of them each and every time you do something new.

So, we need an efficient solution to such unreliabilities. So, in 2005, the great Linus Torvalds released all the developers from such great pain by creating a tool called git.

Normally, even a novice developer these days knows about git. No matter how much vast texts we try to write about git in this article, it will appear less and less once you start typing "git" in google search.

Git is simply a version control system which helps you keep track of changes in your files or code. It's a common term among programmers these days and it saves a lot of effort and time while you're creating something new since you can reuse others' code and add your creativity over it.

We don't think we should write anything more about git, since the internet has got a lot of web articles waiting for you to read regarding git. So, happy gitting future programmers :) .

Git wikipedia page : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git

If you want to learn more git functions, visit this article as well, it's pretty helpful :
The Advanced Git Guide: Git Stash, Reset, Rebase, and More

P.S. : This article is mainly targeted to the newly enrolled computer science students who are curious about software development. The main intention behind writing this piece of text is to aware them about version control in their beginning days, the internet will lead them further. Comments and feedback are appreciated.

here are the old questions for 6th semester 2073 exams. and thanks a lot to Anjana Bhandari for providing us the old questions.

Real Time System

Compiler Design and Construction

Software Engineering

Web Technologies

Fundamentals of  E-Commerce

P.S. please let us know if you have any latest exam question papers and we will update them here in the blog. thanks.

