This page contains old question solution papers of C programming language. Click on the respective links.

  • C Solution Set        ( download )

This page contains the solved old question papers of Introduction to IT. Click on the respective link.

  • IT Solution 2065       ( download )

  • IT Solution 2066       ( download )

This page contains the notes and other study materials of calculus and analytical geometry. a first semester subject. Please click on the respective links.

  • Basic Calculus Book          ( download )

This page contains  notes and other study materials for discrete structure. Discrete Structure is a second semester subject. Click on the respective download links.

  • Discrete Mathematics Class Notes     ( download )

  • Discrete Structure Notes by Samujjwol Bhandari   ( download )

This page contains the solved question papers of Statistics I subject. This is the subject of first semester.

  • Statistics I Solution Set      ( download )

  • Statistics Solutions      ( download )

  • Statistics Solutions        ( download )

This page contains the notes and study Materials related to the subject " Introduction to IT " of First Semester. Click on the respective download links .

  • IT Lecture Notes        ( download )

  • IT Notes Collection     ( download )

Information Technology Lab Sheet

CSIT-I Semester

1. Make list of computer peripherals and devices.

2. Design a card in Ms-Word.

3. Design a mark sheet in Ms-excel by applying function.

4. Design a simple database in Ms-access.

5. Design a slides and applying various animation and effect on slides in Ms-PowerPoint.

6. Compose a mail and send to friends.

This page contains notes and study materials that we aren't sure of to which semester they exactly belong. The notes / study materials are obtained from different sources. Please pick the notes that are suitable to you. Click on the respective download links.

  • Hardware Concepts             ( download )

Click on the following links to download the micro-syllabus of respective subjects.

Theory of Computation                        ( download )

System Analysis and Design                ( download )

Database Management systems            ( download )

Computer Graphics                               ( download )

Introduction to Cognitive science         ( download )

Technical Writing                                 ( download )

This page contains all the notes and other study materials related to system analysis and design subject of bsc csit 4th semester. click on the respective links to download the notes.

This page contains the notes and other study materials for Computer Graphics, a 4th semester subject. Click on the download links for downloading the respective notes.

  • Computer Graphics Lecture Notes        ( download )

  • Computer Graphics Complete Notes Set     ( download )

This page contains notes and study materials for Cognitive science, 4th semester subject. Click on the following links for downloading the respective links.

  • Cognitive Science Notes      ( download )

  • Cognitive Science Complete Notes    ( download )

This page contains the old question paper solutions of the first semester subjects. Please click on the respective subject names.

This page contains the old question papers' solutions of calculus and analytical geometry subject of first semester. Please click in the respective years to download the solutions.

This page contains several question papers from many sources. The sources may be any term-question papers of any college or self made questions. They can be used very effectively as practice questions.

Some tips for doing Project work for 7th semester students

We , the students of BSc CSIT, have got an wonderful and fascinating academic course. And, Project Work is a part of that. The 7th semester students are supposed to do a project work in their field of interest. This project work is meant to make students familiar with the practical environment and increase their interactivity and expertise in the software field. So, we have published this aricle for the 7th sem students as a guideline for preparing and presenting the project work.

click here to view the project work syllabus.

How to start :-

1.)  Interest :  Find out what your interest are. And from the domain of your interests, choose the one that you find the most appropriate.  Take advice from others, but follow your interest.

2.)  Supervisor : The students are supposed to have an supervisor. So , choose the supervisor who has more knowledge on the topic of your project.

3.)  Research :  Our course BSc CSIT is purely academic. So , your project should be research oriented. Just dont try to copy paste the codes. Consult with your supervisor, collect some papers, do some googling and you should be done.

4.)  Platform : Platform is the software that you will be using to develop your project. Be careful while choosing the project with respective to the software platform you are aware of. Better choose the project on the basis of software, that you  have knowledge of.

5.)  Proposal :  The first official step in the project construction is the proposal submition. Design the proposal of your project and submit to your college/department.

So, these were the starting steps for the project work.

Proposal Design :

The next obvious question is, "how to design the proposal ? ". Well here are the topics that you should include in your proposal.

1.) Introduction

2.) Problem Definition 

3.) Objective

4.) Research Methodology

  •    Literature Review
  •    Data collection
  •    Testing and verification
  •    Expected output

5.) Working schedule

6.) References

Resources :

You can use following things as your resources :

1.) Research Papers : You can get journals of various institutions.

2.) Internet :    The ultimate source for everything nowdays. you can start from google.

3.) Books : If you haven't been to library for a long time, maybe it's the time now.

4.) Supervisor :   The man who is holding your back for the entire project work duration.

5.) Friend / University : May be it's the time to ask for something.

Some Project Work Topics :

If you are unaware of the project work areas, you can choose any of the following :

• Natural Language Processing

• Information Retrieval

• Data Mining

• Optimization

• Scheduling

• Machine Learning

• Neural Network

• Search Engine

• Social Network

• Android Apps

• Cryptography (Web Security, Network Security)

•Intrusion detection

• Reality Mining
    – Sense Network
    – Path Intelligence

• Web usage mining

• Web Mining

• Fraud detection using Neural Network

• Article Mining (Group the similar news articles from different newspapers like GoogleNews)

•Morphological Analysis of Nepali Words

• Word Net for Nepali words

• Recommender system like book recommender movie recommender

• Learning by Web

• Fact checking chat room or electronic forum on social networks

• Opinion Mining (finding the market analysis on a particular product)

• Text Mining (Spam Filtering)

• Query Optimization

• Optimization in scheduling in cloud computing

• Statistical Machine Translation (English Language to Nepali Language Translation)

• Chatbot (Turing test) like Eliza - "a friend you could never have before”

• Name entity recognition in NLP (Semantic Web)

• Gesture Mining (E-Mail Sorting, Prioritizing friends in smart phone)

• Information Extraction from web

• Spelling corrector

• Handwriting recognition

• Mining social network


• Local Search Engine

• Nepali Text to Speech

• Lost and Found

• Job Recommender

• Face Detection and Recognition

• Article Mining

• Traffic Management

• Thread Recommendation

• Helping Friends

• Finding Blood Donor

• Intelligent Proxy

• Fraud Detection/Intrusion Detection

• Natural Language Query

• Process Hibernation

• Birthday Calendar

You can choose any of these, or you can go on with something unique of your own too.

*The project work that you do can also be your field of expertise in the future, so choose the topic that interests you the most.

**Things to consider while preparing a project work :

1.)  Always go for research-oriented way.
2.)  Dont go after what all others do, choose your unique field of interest.
3.)  Dont copy paste the reports, make your own. it increases your knowledge and experience too.
4.)  If you have copied something from others’ recourses like
       papers, books, websites, dont forget to cite (give credit / mention) those resources.

