Tired of carrying around the hard copies of your semester's syllabus' ? Well, here it comes, the "Csit Syllabus" android app. Get it in your android phone and have access to your syllabus whenever, wherever you want it. Not only for students, it's useful for teachers as well. We don't hear about...

Few days ago, we got a message in our facebook page from a freshman year BSc CSIT student saying "what is this git thing ? is it useful to us ?....." and we thought of doing an article on this. Suppose you're doing a project and you're almost about to finish it. And then your laptop gets stolen or it gets broken and you can't recover your project code. Now, that's a catastrophe. All your toil and hard labour goes in vain. Literally you're null...

here are the old questions for 6th semester 2073 exams. and thanks a lot to Anjana Bhandari for providing us the old questions. Real Time System Compiler Design and Construction Software Engineering Web Technologies Fundamentals of  E-Commerce P.S....

Well, a guy messaged us asking how to access the worldlink router settings and I thought of writing a blog post in it. Few months back, I had worldlink internet connected at my home and the connection guys told me not to mess with the reset button on the router. And I became a bit curious. Then,...

Here is the download link of complete real time systems chapter wise notes. Download ...

The routine and exam center of BSc CSIT 4th and 6th semester are as follows : Routine : Exam Center : Good luck to everyone ! ...

